
Your gift makes a world of difference.

Simple and secure. Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your checking account, debit, or credit card.


  • No. All you need to provide is your email in order to receive a digital receipt of your donation.

    You also have the option to donate anonymously, however an email is still required for a receipt of your donation.

    Your email confirmation is your receipt; therefore, it is important to keep it for your tax records. If you find you need a statement or would like to review your giving history you can email for assistance.

  • Yes. You can submit your tithes and gifts through payment services such as "Plaid" or "Zelle". Your bank will send Milestone Baptist Church the payment, and we will add it to your giving record. If you would like a record of these donations send us an email at

    Indicate “Milestone Baptist Church” as your payee, specify your name as the account, and use the following information for the payee address:

    Milestone Baptist Church

    3800 Pine Forest Rd,

    Cantonment, Fl 32534

  • Managing your donation preferences is easy and convenient through our donation platform Donorbox. Whether you have made a one-time donation or set up recurring donations, you can easily update your donation preferences or cancel a recurring donation through the steps outlined below.

    One-Time Donations

    For one-time donations, a record of your donation is sent directly to the email you used when you made your donation. A Donorbox account is not created for one-time donations. However, if you need another copy of your donations, send us an email at, and we would be happy to help.

    Recurring Donations

    Managing your recurring donations can be done directly through Donorbox. Follow these steps to update your preferences:

    1. Log In to Your Donorbox Account

      • Visit the Donorbox website at

      • Click on the "Login" button at the top right corner of the page.

      • Enter the email and password you used when you set up your account.

      • If you forgot your password or need to create an account, you can reset or create it by visiting the password reset page.

    2. Manage Your Recurring Donations

      • Under the "Recurring Plans" page on the left side of the dashboard, find the donation you want to manage.

      • Click on the "pause" or "cancel" button next to the recurring donation you wish to update.

    3. Update Your Preferences

      • On the "Recurring Plans" page, you can also click on the donation plan you would like to update. Here you can update various preferences such as:

        • Donation amount

        • Payment method

        • Donation frequency

      • Make the necessary changes and save your preferences.

    4. View Past Donations

      • To see a record of all past donations to Milestone Baptist Church, click on the "Donations" page on the left side of the Donorbox dashboard.

    By following these steps, you can ensure that your donations are managed according to your preferences. If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at We are here to help!